Years ago, a fun-loving secretary, Dianne, recommended a movie she loved. Dianne was the queen of recommendations, sharing her views with such passion and zeal, she was hard to ignore. One week she was all over a movie she watched called “Never Again.” I followed through on her recommendation and learned to “never again” follow through on her recommendations. It was one of the Top 10 worst movies ever!
While in chiropractic college at Palmer, a friend volunteered to be adjusted by a legendary old-time chiropractor who believed if he forcefully pushed your spine to the moon and back you would naturally be healthier. As Jamie was lying face down on the table, the chiropractor suddenly whammed away on Jamie’s back, much to the horror of the viewing students. Jamie stood up and quietly left the room whispering to a friend, “never again.”
I experienced a similar experience approximately 4 years ago. I admit the pain and costly side effects were unimaginable. It opened my eyes to providing the best that chiropractic offers. Several things we use today in this office are the result of seeking solutions for my own pain caused by that injury; a herniated disc at T12 with subsequent blood clot of the right leg along with other challenges.
Our old tables were replaced with new state-of-the-art equipment that is smoother on you and easier on me. My favorite old table by the way is now used on the Buffalo Bills. We introduced Brain Tap which helped diminish right leg pain that was unbearable. We introduced VibraSonics which helped with the neuropathy that made wearing shoes and even socks difficult. Now we will soon introduce cold laser therapy recommended by a doctor from the Life University Neuroscience Center where a famous Pittsburgh athlete went to recover.
I was offered to “try this medicine” and “try this surgery.” The medical doctors I respected the most were the ones who said “I really don’t know.” I won’t “try” opioids or medicine and I won’t “try” surgery.
Recently a patient wanted me to rough him and his body into a healthier state. Seems contradictory to me. For some reason, I always remember a successful colleague who shared, “If you are rough in the way you do everything, it will include your relationships too.”
Live and learn. Beating someone up to get them healthy is not the answer. The answer is always inside you and our goal is to help bring it out.